• +46 (0)70 676 08 25
  • anita.edvinsson(@)aurata.se

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Final manuscript is sent to my publisher in USA

I´m so proud! Yesterday I´ve sent my final manuscript to Business Expert Press in New York, USA. The book title is: Process-Oriented Healthcare Management Systems: Development, Use, and Maintenance for Patient-Safe Healthcare

Co-creating unique leadership workshops

At the island of Ekskäret a unik process has taken place. 20 Mastermind CI-Q coaches spent one week on the island in order to create workshops for leaders of the future. We are about to launch the workshops at any time. And then the world will change

Certified in Conversational Intelligence®

After one year long training now I have earned the title Certified Conversational Intelligence® Coach. To become certified, coaches must complete extensive training in C-IQ’s science-based methodology, whose innovative blend of neuroscience and coaching transforms

Talare på Offentlig Chef 2019

Conversational Intelligence - hur framgångsrika chefer bygger tillit och når extraordinära resultat Presentation av mitt föredrag: Conversational Intelligence är samtalsmetodik som bygger på bred forskning inom neurovetenskap kopplat till beteende och kommunikation

Konferens om kvalitet i LSS

Makt, mod och medvetenhet Det var temat på ett inspirationtal under en konferens för chefer och medarbetare inom LSS, anordnad av KUI i Stockholm. Allt ledarskap bygger på ett maktförhållande i relationen till medarbetarna enskilt och som grupp. Denna makt utöva

Process orienterat ledningssystem för patientsäker vård

Healthcare has for the last decade or so been caught between a rock and a hard place, between Scylla and Charybdis. The first is that the number of reported adverse events shows no sign of retrenching; on the contrary, the ever increasing complexity of contemporary heal


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